Everyone is all abuzz about Vinny from Jersey Shore sharing publicly that he battles anxiety disorder, and the difficulties that life as a reality television star can cause for someone prone to anxiety. As an avid Jersey Shore watcher (I'm sorry. I don't know how it started, but it's gone on this long, so here we are.), I watched two episodes ago when Vinny's anxiety came to a head and he decided to leave the Shore. I felt both saddened, and proud for a number of reasons. His exit was emotional, and what was equally emotional was his best friend Pauly's heartwarming, sincere reaction of sadness and care.
Never before in popular culture have I seen two men, not to mention men whose reality personas rely on their giant muscles, promiscuity, and other stereotypical markers of masculinity, being so honest and open about their feelings, their struggles, and their love and friendship for one another. Pauly and Vinny opened up a discourse about male friendship, and Vinny opened one up about the reality of anxiety disorder and depression, problems which many understate the severity of, problems which can be viewed merely as "unmasculine" and "weak". He also set a good example by doing what was best for his mental health, and leaving an environment of excessive partying, little privacy, and social stress.
Following his departure from the show, Vinny gave a special appearance on MTV further explaining anxiety disorder, how it has effected his life, and his decision to leave the Shore. He has also appeared on a PSA for a suicide prevention foundation. Besides just making it easier for me to defend my watching of Jersey Shore weekly, I think these recent events have been incredibly important for mainstream culture and the "MTV generation" to start thinking about gender issues and psychological disorders.
If you want to watch the episode, it is episode 2 of the current season of Jersey Shore, and is available to stream on MTV's website, as is Vinny's interview about anxiety.